










I asked Val and Chris some questions...

I asked Val and Chris some questions...

Val's answers...

What prompted you to join the reset and MBM plan?

During Lockdown we walked many miles, but as things opened up we started having coffee and a pastry mid-walk. As life returned to normal, we started socialising and travelling again. Our eating wasnā€™t that bad and we do quite a bit of exercise but the weight was slowly creeping on.

I knew I had to get a grip on my weight as we had several active holidays booked. The word RESET jumped out at me as it felt like that was exactly what I needed to do. RESET my eating habits and my weight.

Since joining what results have you noticed?

Iā€™ve been following the plan for 11 weeks and lost 1.5 stone. Iā€™m generally not hungry between meals so I donā€™t need to snack. My taste has certainly changed as I find it fairly easy to resist carbs and sweet foods. The meals on the plan are easy to cook and very tasty. A number have become firm favourites. We entertain friends with meals from the plan too and just offer them some carbs. We eat out quite a bit but now I manage to make sensible choices and still enjoy the meal.

Val's answers...

What prompted you to join the reset and MBM plan?

During Lockdown we walked many miles, but as things opened up we started having coffee and a pastry mid-walk. As life returned to normal, we started socialising and travelling again. Our eating wasnā€™t that bad and we do quite a bit of exercise but the weight was slowly creeping on.

I knew I had to get a grip on my weight as we had several active holidays booked. The word RESET jumped out at me as it felt like that was exactly what I needed to do. RESET my eating habits and my weight.

Since joining what results have you noticed?

Iā€™ve been following the plan for 11 weeks and lost 1.5 stone. Iā€™m generally not hungry between meals so I donā€™t need to snack. My taste has certainly changed as I find it fairly easy to resist carbs and sweet foods. The meals on the plan are easy to cook and very tasty. A number have become firm favourites. We entertain friends with meals from the plan too and just offer them some carbs. We eat out quite a bit but now I manage to make sensible choices and still enjoy the meal.




How do you plan to implement this going forwards?

Going forward Iā€™d like to avoid carbs and sweet foods at least 80% of the time. Iā€™ll add them to the menu in a planned way. When we travel, I will try and be sensible but at the same time enjoy the holiday. However, I am already planning that we will go straight on to a 21 Day RESET immediately we return, so that I can lose any additional weight gained on holiday.

On a practical note, can you share any useful tips for implementing this into your life?

Planning is key! Plan the meals for the week and shop accordingly. Then you are not tempted to eat the wrong things and there is no food wastage. Drink lots of water!

Following the Pilates sessions as part of the plan ensures the body gets toned as you lose weight.

Do you still have any goals you are hoping to reach in this plan?

Yes, I still want to lose another half a stone. I respect my body and feel fit and strong for my age. I want to fuel my body so I can stay fit and strong without it having to carry unnecessary weight. I want to continue to lead an active lifestyle, be an active Granny and be fit to enjoy adventurous travel!Ā 

How do you plan to implement this going forwards?

Going forward Iā€™d like to avoid carbs and sweet foods at least 80% of the time. Iā€™ll add them to the menu in a planned way. When we travel, I will try and be sensible but at the same time enjoy the holiday. However, I am already planning that we will go straight on to a 21 Day RESET immediately we return, so that I can lose any additional weight gained on holiday.

On a practical note, can you share any useful tips for implementing this into your life?

Planning is key! Plan the meals for the week and shop accordingly. Then you are not tempted to eat the wrong things and there is no food wastage. Drink lots of water!

Following the Pilates sessions as part of the plan ensures the body gets toned as you lose weight.

Do you still have any goals you are hoping to reach in this plan?

Yes, I still want to lose another half a stone. I respect my body and feel fit and strong for my age. I want to fuel my body so I can stay fit and strong without it having to carry unnecessary weight. I want to continue to lead an active lifestyle, be an active Granny and be fit to enjoy adventurous travel!Ā 




Chris' answers...

As the husband of someone embarking on this RESET how did you feel initially and how involved did you plan to be?

I could not honestly say that I was over-enthusiastic about joining the programme, but if Val knew it was a good idea, I wasnā€™t going to stand in the way of us doing it. We certainly were not going to cook two sets of meals, and I knew that I too needed to lose some weight. So you could say that initially I just went along with it.

Have you experienced any physical or emotional change since starting?

It didnā€™t take long to convince me that RESET was worthwhile. After the first couple of days I felt better in myself. The meals were tasty and filling, and I canā€™t say that I missed either the carbohydrates or the sugar. I didnā€™t suffer from cravings. After the first week I had lost four pounds, and now I have lost almost a stone and a half. Clothes that had become a tight fit are now comfortable, and Iā€™ve had to tighten my belt a couple of notches. My BMI is now in the normal range. Consequently, I feel better about myself so there has been a psychological benefit induced by the physical changes.

Would you recommend this course to others, if so, what would you say?

I would certainly recommend RESET to others. There really is no downside. I still have the occasional treat such as an ice cream or a bun apparently without any ill effects, I would say to others ā€˜give it a go, you will probably be surprisedā€™.

Chris' answers...

As the husband of someone embarking on this RESET how did you feel initially and how involved did you plan to be?

I could not honestly say that I was over-enthusiastic about joining the programme, but if Val knew it was a good idea, I wasnā€™t going to stand in the way of us doing it. We certainly were not going to cook two sets of meals, and I knew that I too needed to lose some weight. So you could say that initially I just went along with it.

Have you experienced any physical or emotional change since starting?

It didnā€™t take long to convince me that RESET was worthwhile. After the first couple of days I felt better in myself. The meals were tasty and filling, and I canā€™t say that I missed either the carbohydrates or the sugar. I didnā€™t suffer from cravings. After the first week I had lost four pounds, and now I have lost almost a stone and a half. Clothes that had become a tight fit are now comfortable, and Iā€™ve had to tighten my belt a couple of notches. My BMI is now in the normal range. Consequently, I feel better about myself so there has been a psychological benefit induced by the physical changes.

Would you recommend this course to others, if so, what would you say?

I would certainly recommend RESET to others. There really is no downside. I still have the occasional treat such as an ice cream or a bun apparently without any ill effects, I would say to others ā€˜give it a go, you will probably be surprisedā€™.