Ready for immediate relief?

Take this 10 minute session TODAY!

Does this sound like you?

Your job is making  your back pain worse

But you need to keep doing the job, so you're resigned to back ache for life!


No matter what exercise you try, your lower back takes over

And you always end up feeling like you're making it worse


Other areas are starting to compensate

Is it your imagination or are your hips, knees or even shoulders starting to feel sore too?


It's impacting your overall health

Your sleep, your energy, your mood and your weight are all impacted by your lower back pain



In midlife, around age 40, onwards, our health is in a natural DECLINE.

That's why it's feeling worse.

Hormonal changes are impacting your muscles, your bones, your joints, your strength and...your pain!

Your back ache might have been in the background for some time...but it's getting worse and becoming a bigger problem because of its impact on your life and your health.

Here is the good news

👉🏻You are NOT genetically programmed, your health is your own to change.

👉🏻You CAN get ahead of this, with focus and specific movements

👉🏻Your weight needn't have an impact

👉🏻You CAN overcome this simply & efficiently...AND maintain the results.

But doing nothing won't work.

Nothing changes if nothing changes.

The answer is 

  • Stretching the tight muscles
  • Strengthening the weak muscles
  • Improving mobility and balance

And all of this is possible in just 10 minutes a day AND IT WORKS

In this free workout, I will share a quick but effective option for...

...First thing in the morning when your back is tight or after a day at work

...Finding space and mobility through your spine, hips and pelvis

...Beginning to strengthen your core for more spine safety

...Improving posture, support and stability in the spine


I NEED THIS, send me access

Meet your trainer, Caroline Copp

Hi, I'm Caroline, founder of MindBodyMeno, and I've put together this training after spending the past 20 years working with 1000's of women just like you!

In the menopause years your health changes dramatically, so that the movement you do, the food you eat and the lifestyle you lead REALLY impacts how you feel, how you look and the future you will have.

Since my late teens I have lived with Chronic Fatigue and ME, and in my work I see many of the same symptoms (fatigue, joint pain, muscle weakness, low moods etc), but in midlife the stakes are higher...because these symptoms will directly impact your future health and your risk of chronic disease.

I work exclusively with women how are keen to feel and look better today, but who are also ready to maintain this transformation so that their future health, their metabolic health, their independence, fun and confidence are guaranteed as they age.

Don't wait until your pain keeps you stuck, your pelvic floor stops your fun or your low energy ruins your joy...start today and lets learn how to look & feel amazing today...and for the future.


Ready to see how 10 minutes a day can be a game-changer for you?