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Blood sugar balancing for the over 40s

#bloodsugar #menopause #weighgain Mar 24, 2023

I’m sure you’ve heard the term “blood sugar balancing” and wondered what it's all about and how it might benefit you as a woman over 40.

In peri / menopause/ post menopausal women Chronic Inflammation is regarded as one of the primary risk factors for chronic disease and weight gain, and we know that high levels of foods such a sugars, trans fats, processed foods, refined carbs and alcohol are the main contributors to this inflammation.

By balancing your blood sugar levels you will reduce inflammation and actively promote better health, your energy will dramatically increase, you’ll be in control of your weight and able to lose those stubborn pounds whilst reducing the cravings and snacking, your mood will even out and stress and anxiety levels will decrease, your focus will improve, and you’ll be making massive steps towards reducing the risk factors of chronic disease such as cardiovascular health, diabetes, dementia and cancer.

In women over 40 I know that weight gain to the middle can be particularly stubborn to shift, and this alone can actually be a great indicator that blood sugar levels are not balanced, meaning to reduce the belly fat, we need to balance the blood sugar. We need to reduce the spikes of insulin that are actively encouraging fat storage and move our diets to a place where we use our food as energy.

Blood sugar balancing is easy to implement because it doesn’t have many rules.

We eat whole and unprocessed foods. We eat foods high in essential fats and we lower starchy carbohydrates.

We limit alcohol, caffeine, whilst dramatically reducing sugar, processed foods and refined carbohydrates

And the benefits are huge – we see and feel fast results that are easy to maintain for the short and long-term…and you’ll never feel hungry or like you are missing out. In as little as 7 days you will notice changes to your mood, energy, weight, cravings, and by week 4 you'll be feeling like a whole new woman!