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Hi, I'm Caroline

...Master Pilates Instructor of 20 years & Health Coach, and this is why I'm ready to help YOU!

Throughout my teenage years and early 20’s I lived in a cycle of recurring Glandular fever, Chronic Fatigue and ME with a treatment plan consisting of rest. 

Ongoing fatigue (YEARS) meant a long period of lethargy, an overwhelming and debilitating fear of tiredness and severe joint pain. 

In my 20’s after a series of failed attempts at rehab I discovered Pilates. I went for injury rehab, but I stayed because this new way of moving completely changed my life, and my body! 

I was I no pain, for the first time in 10 years and my fatigue now had a cause, i'd earned it! 

I got stronger, more flexible, more capable and more energised.

Small wins such as reaching my toes and receiving compliments on my posture compounded until I was achieving remarkable results, results that I had stopped thinking were possible for me. I was running long distances, moving regularly, lifting weights, and enjoying my life...all with no fatigue or pain.

I have since used the same cautious yet effective way of moving to overcome subsequent issues including a fairly comprehensive list of core and pelvic trauma (2 cervical biopsies, diastasic recti, a 3rd degree delivery tear and a caesarean section) and those of my clients - women in midlife who are looking to reduce pain, increase strength and boost energy during and post menopause. 

I love to show women how pilates can help their overall health, energy and positivity during a busy and often overwhelming time of life. 

How it will reduce chronic back, neck and shoulder pain so that they can do the activities they love and continue in a career they enjoy. 

How it will help them to reduce the symptoms of menopause, find headspace, clarity and reduce emotional and physical tension. 

How they can simply bring back confidence and strength in the core and pelvic floor.

And how my method will reduce overwhelm, assist with consistency and fast track results

And I hope I can help you too!

Caroline x

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