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Is menopause impacting your work?

corporate wellbeing menopause at work menopause in corporate menopause in the workplace workplace wellbeing May 12, 2023

Stress. Anxiety. Energy. Pain. Cognition. Confidence. Fatigue --> All very real symptoms of menopause that are impacting a women's ability to function in her job.

Women in menopause are currently the fastest growing demographic in the workplace and with currently 700,000 midlife women on long term sick leave and 3/4 of women experiencing debilitating menopausal symptoms, and we know that these women aren’t being supported fully in any area of health care.

Happily, most businesses are starting to invest in this area of wellbeing, which could be the thing that moves the needle for many women.  

I've seen first hand through almost 20 years of working with Women in Menopause, that ignoring and mismanaging symptoms can have a long term impact.  But so often women are too busy, or not well informed enough to seek the right help. They don't have time for a scattered approach, they need fast, informed, specific action. And this is where having the best resources within organisations can make a huge difference.

Why? Because with an ageing population, the cost of ignoring this demographic and their needs will be monumental to your business with long term sickness, early retirement and a growing skills gap being a very real possibility.

My members and clients are telling me that there are huge gaps in menopause health care and importantly in workplace wellbeing plans. Adding a desk fan and flexibility around hours is a great first step but it isn't the full picture. Women and businesses need to deeply understand the changes they are experiencing and the real life steps that they must now take, because their future health depends on it.

Alzheimers, Heart Disease, Osteoporosis, Pain, Cancers, Diabetes are all alarmingly real health concerns for women in midlife and beyond if menopause is badly managed and sticking plasters are applied. But some simple lifestyle tweaks can make a huge difference. So whilst a desk-fan is great, when real investment in health happens it looks more like practical education, time in the working day, simplicity, understanding, open dialogue and investment!

The best place to start…? Practical steps.

Information around menopause is everywhere, but implementation is where the magic happens. In this 1 hour “lunch and learn” session we will unpack some practical next steps that individuals can take to drastically improve their current and future health and preserve their careers.

We will look at the biggest issues in the workplace for women in midlife - 

  • Cognition & Confidence
  • Stress & anxiety
  • Strength & physical pain
  • Energy, fatigue & sleep

And we finish this 1 hour session with Q&A to ensure buy-in and implementation.

So whether you are a business owner, team leader, HR manager a woman in business who needs this help, email [email protected] to book a live session for your team or read more here