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Are your injuries stopping you from starting Pilates?

injuries pilates stretch Apr 25, 2024

Very often women wait a little too long to get the help they need, no fault of their own, they are busy and prioritising themselves isn't always possible. The problem is that by the time they come to me, their lists are loooong!

"this hurts", "this is twingy", "I have an ache here", "I cant do XYZ" etc, you get the idea!

If you are someone nodding along to this, or perhaps you've been to a physio but not known which issue to start with...Pilates could be your next best step.

Because the great news is that Pilates works the whole!

Sure, it's useful to know about any injuries, but in most cases we won't resolve an injury by focusing too closely on it. Instead we need to work a little more holistically.

  • Stretch areas of tightness
  • Strengthen areas of weakness
  • Mobilise limited joints
  • Stabilise free joints
  • And as a result, form new movement patterns that gradually resolve the issues.

And the magic is that often the reason you came in the first place, ends up being just one of the wins - my member Nicky came to me with knee pain, but gained relief from back pain and improvements to her stress incontinence. She just came for her knee!

So your next step is to start. Online. In person. It doesn't matter. Just start!